Pluk is conquering the world. Even though we say so ourselves. Sure, we see you raising your eyebrows. But it’s just the way it is. We notice that our ideas are popping up in the strangest places. Like recently, in a major Dutch national newspaper. We were shocked: our ‘pluk-code’ is already so ingrained, that it has earned a place in the crossword puzzle!
And we’re shocked and surprised more and more these days. Once we had an idea for a ‘pluk-strip’ on a wine bottle. It’s a tear-off strip attached to the label. If you like the wine, you tear it off. This way you always have the name of that special wine in your wallet when you are browsing the wine racks. Clever!
Apparently, the Australian wine producer we told this to thought so as well. Because years later, what do we see? Australian wine bottles with ... a pluk-strip.
The pluk-code works in pretty much the same way. Your customers pluck it off so they will find you again later. For example? A link to your company film, which is running on the Pluk platform. That way your server doesn’t overload, and you don’t lose any visitors.
Your customers don’t even need to know that Pluk is helping you. Because a pluk-code often has a white label: white label software.
So the pluk-code is the solution! But don’t just take our word for it. Take a look in the newspaper ...
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